Should I give my child Breastmilk or Formula feed my baby?

Welcome to my blog, I thank you for being able to get the Right information.

I'll just wanted to share some insights on the benefits of breast milk versus formula but first I have tons of questions in my mind. Do you know what's in your formula? Do you know what you're feeding your baby? Do you know the vitamins that are in the formula? Do you know the future side effects of formula? Do you agree with me some formula helps many families when no other option is shared? Have families informed you of the side effects of formula.

Are the formula companies giving families the best formula for their baby or are they racking up using our family dollars to make money off of you by pocketing it and injuring your child?

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The purpose to my story is that it’s going to be tough and important your baby is eating the right foods and getting the most nutrients to help grow and develop your baby’s brain and intestinal gut even if your choice is formula. My goal should be to make it feel right to breastfeed your child breastmilk and know you are choosing the right option for your baby right now.


Do I have enough milk?


Do I have enough milk for my baby?