Do I have enough milk for my baby?

Does my breast have milk?

May 28, 2022 Written By D.Legacy Pacesetters

It all begins with a conception and the thought of being pregnant, carrying your child for 40weeks and knowing in the back of your mind. You body has produced a baby who has had milk available since 17weeks of conception.

Maybe your latch hurts! Maybe your nipple hurts?

Maybe I’m doing something right!

Maybe I’m going to watch and learn my baby because I want to know who I am breastfeeding and why?

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you are right about one thing. You are into the field of motherhood and you birthed your baby, carried breastmilk from the beginning and you birthed your baby’s placenta.

I know what hard work looks like, it takes time to train, to become an experienced breastfeeding villager and create your support team to cheer and guide you in this thing called breastfeeding and looking at this baby in the state of sleep after full capacity of nursing on one side of your breast. That’s a good sign you still have more milk on the other breast. You never run out and there’s more to share.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it, come join my subscription and you will never not know what going on while you are on your breastfeeding and motherhood journey. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to be have a great ending, continue to evolve and breastfeed your baby breastmilk and create your breastfeeding village.


Should I give my child Breastmilk or Formula feed my baby?


Really, Breastmilk has all those nutrients!